March 2025 Devlog
- Added 4x4 Plus Cube, 1x2x2, Plus Lite, 3x3x2 Plus Cube, Sandwich 2x2, Snake Eyes
- Added turn restrictions in multiplayer battle
- Added ability to edit a battle room + have previous battle settings save
- Added ability to join a room that has already started
- Added inspection setting in multiplayer
- Added ability to practice all cubes in the lobby in multiplayer
- Custom Shape creation saves locally
Februrary 2025 Devlog
- Added Multiplayer Games, where you can battle, team up, and chat with others online
- Added Virtual Racing, where you can race the autosolver with the virtual cube
- Added 1x2x3 1x4x4, 2x3x4, 3x3x4, 3x3x5, Earth Cube
- Added Cuboid Marathon
- Added 4x4, 5x5 to Custom Shape
- Lots of new cubes added Custom Bandage
- Hollow setting works on all dimensions
- Better Mouse Turning - lots of weird angles and edge cases added
- Custom Shape QOL changes, including buttons to show/hide a full layer and ability to toggle shape-shifting
- Bandage Mod QOL changes, ability to smoothen out bandages
- Blind Mode UI changes
January 2025 Devlog
- Added 4x4, 5x5, 2x2x3, 3x3x2, 2x2x4
- Added ability to paint a Rubik's cube in Position ID
- Added Marathons
- Added Blind Mode
- Added Bandaged 3x3x2
- Custom Bandaging supports 3x3x2, 2x2x3, Xmas Cube, 4x4, 5x5
- Custom Bandaging has save slots and saves to the account
- Weekly Challenges works on 3x3x2 and 2x2x3
- Webcam cube scanner saves calibrations, added enter button functionality
- Position ID saving works on 3x3x2 and 2x2x3
- Added rotation ability on mobile
- Fixed mobile UI/QOL changes
- Added Gearcube II turn restriction
December 2024 Devlog
- Added Weekly Challenges
- Added OLL & PLL Practice, a subset of Speed Mode
- Added mouse turning to most cubes in the "Other" cubes category
- Added Session functionality for time tracking
- Fixed 3x3x2 to make it actually look like a 3x3x2
- Fewest Moves Challenge saves game state when exiting
- Added many hotkeys