How this Works:
Drag the mouse on a cube layer across a solid black line to rotate it. You can also use the keyboard. FAQs Devlog
Select Modes:
Your times/moves will be displayed here
Remove solve #:
(Mouse inputs are turned off.)
Select the base cube and colors
Top face:
Left face:
Front face:
Right face:
Bottom face:
Back face:
Select visibility for each cuby:
(Mouse inputs are turned on.)
Save slot:
0 peeks
Or, press enter to peek.Select Cube to Practice:
Saving an ID means that resetting will reset to that ID.
Your current position ID is:
Press '7' to alert the current ID, press 'Shift+7' to copy the ID
Press 'Shift+9' to save default ID, press 'Shift+0' to save current ID
Generate Position ID using webcam 📷
Go to our ID generator and follow the instructions.
Generate Position ID using paint tool 🎨
Generate Premade Cube Positions:
Select position:
Save Cube Position from ID:
Type r for "red", o for "orange", etc.
Use the arrow keys to step back/forward
Press shift along with an arrow key to leap back/forward
Create an Account
Advanced Settings
Cube Size:
Border Width:
Gap Width:
Top Color:
Top Color for OLL/PLL modes:
Dark Mode:
Hollow Cube:
(not recommended for mouse turning)
Border Color:
Outer Background Color:
Inner Background Color:
Text Color:
⇧ denotes the shift key
↓Scroll Down for more hotkeys↓
First, adjust bot turn speed (1 = slow, 200 = fast)
Then, adjust bot turn delay (in seconds)
Bot Turn Speed:
0.01Bot Delay:
4Turn Speed:
4(For autosolve/alg test)
Virtual Cube Key Map | |||||||||
~shuffle | 1quit | Escreset | =redo | Bspaceundo | |||||
Q S' | W B | E L' | R l' | T u' | Y u | U r | I R | O B' | P S |
A E | S D | D L | F U' | G F' | H F | J U | K R' | L D' | ; E' |
Z d | X | C | V l | B f' | N f | M r' | , M' | . M | / d' |
Space stop time | ←y | →y' | ↑x | ↓x' |
Scramble: N/A
Times: N/A
Moves: N/A
Total Points: 0
Press "Stop Time" or press space to stop the timer.
↓Scroll Down for more public rooms↓
Game visibility:
Game type:
Total Rounds:
Select cubes for each round and player
Select cubes for each round
Select cube
Select who starts blindfolded
Solve the cube faster than your opponent!
Opponent progress: 0%
Waiting for host to start next round.
Final Time:
You did it! You solved the cube in 0 peeks!
Estimated bot time:
Many, many, cubes.
Solve the cube in as fewest "peeks" as possible
(Keyboard turning recommended)
Easy: N/A
Medium: N/A
Shape Marathon: N/A
Bandage Marathon: N/A
Cuboid Marathon: N/A
Baby Marathon: N/A
Blind 2x2: N/A
Blind 3x3: N/A
Blind Marathon: N/A
Weekly #1: N/A
Daily 2x2 this week: N/A
Daily 2x2: N/A
Daily 3x3 this week: N/A
Daily 3x3: N/A
Drill your favorite cubing algorithms.
Race the autosolve bot.
Easy: N/A
Medium: N/A
Virtual Race 3x3: N/A
Virtual Race 2x2: N/A
Position ID:
Save any cube position (on your own cube or on the virtual cube) as an ID.